-Result Announced- Pirika Awards 2020 🎉  

Hi there!
Thank you for your hard work in picking litter up last year, though it was tough for everyone in the pandemic.
And first, we are so sorry for those who suffer from the earthquake that hit Fukushima and Miyagi the other day.
Today, in this article, we announce who won prizes at Pirika Awards 2020, which praise those who did extraordinary work in 2020*! We have already announced once in Pirika Users' Meeting at the end of last year, but let us share the result again here!🎈
Check out the report of the users' meeting from here (JP).
*We have sent a message to those who won a prize in the Pirika app at the end of January. But if you have not yet contacted Pirika back, please do so by going to your profile page in the app > Settings > "Feedback" or by sending an email to info@pirika.org. We will send you your certificate in PDF format!🏆

Pirika Awards 2020 Titles

  • Professional Piricker (Award for those who posted most frequently)
  • Frequent Piricker (One for those whose number of posts war the top)
  • Best international Piricker (One for those who used Pirika in most countries)

  • Frequent Piricker in Fukui
  • Frequent Piricker in Kanagawa
  • Frequent Piricker in Okayama
  • Frequent Piricker in Izumiotsu, Osaka
  • Frequent Piricker in Toyama
  • Frequent Piricker in Akita
  • Frequent Piricker in Yamagata
  • Frequent Piricker in Wakayama
    (These prefectures and cities above employ Pirika for Local Communities)
We chose winners based on the post data from 24.12.2019 to 24.12.2020.
Now, let's see who won these awards together!

Awards winners

Professional Piricker (Award for those who posted most frequently)

🎉富山応援隊No. 51 -san

Frequent Piricker (One for those whose number of posts war the top)


Best international Piricker (One for those who used Pirika in most countries)

We have chosen those who had done Pirika in 2 countries!
(Due to Corona, only Pirika members used Pirika in more than 2 countries😅)
YES, we can!-san
坂本 義和-san
Scott C McDowell-san
Jürgen Stephan-san
Rex Mundy-san
Eri -san

Frequent Piricker in Fukui

🎉Cholchiro Hirata-san

Frequent Piricker in Kanagawa


Frequent Piricker in Okayama


Frequent Piricker inIzumiotsu, Osaka

🎉eiichi kasegi-san

Frequent Piricker in Toyama

🎉富山応援隊No. 51-san

Frequent Piricker in Akita


Frequent Piricker in Yamagata


Frequent Piricker in Wakayama

That' it! Congratulations all🎉
If you see them on your timeline, please give some words to the winners😄.
We'll be taking tallies again at the end of this year also. Enjoy Pirika, and you may be on the winners list in 2021😆
Finally, don't forget to take care of yourselves!
☆Download the app from here!☆ (available in EN, JP, and CN)

The Pirika Blog
